Virtual Reality Projects


A virtual reality walking simulator I scripted for a group project using SteamVR and VRTK on the Unity Engine. The topic was to explore experimental approaches and mediums for storytelling.


A virtual reality puzzle game developed during one of NYU's game development studio courses. Accomplishing full-functionality and playability within two months, I was in charge of programming, puzzle design, game mechanics, and play-test coordination.
Personal and Smaller Projects

"Around the House"

A 2D puzzle platformer inspired by the color wheel and game development itself. Using implicit in-game tutorials and minimalist game design features, I consider this one of my more accomplished passion projects. Solely programmed and developed on C++ using SFML 2.4.2.


An endless runner local multiplayer game that has four space ships trying to outrun an impeding laser with a new rule-bending mechanic that progressively increases the difficulty periodically. Developing this for a group project, I was in charge of programming and designing various mechancis, the progression system, and level design.


A first person snatch-and-grab game where you have ten seconds to rob as much stuff from a room as possible. Scripted and developed on the Unity Engine.

"Mario Joust"

A replication of the original 1982 arcade game, Joust, reskinned with programmer low-budget Mario art using the GameMaker Studio 2 engine.

"Cancer Dictionary"

A typing game where you play as a cancer patient transcribing DNA "codes" into his body to kill cancer cells within him before time runs out. Developed using GameMaker Studio 2 engine.