Stupid Pet Trick #1




Overall Circuit:




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This is the output area.   11045389_940259365993981_5440655263303309765_n

This is the input, sensor area.


Push Sensor


When you push the basic force resisting sensor the LED will light up.

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This one will require you to push the push button and then as you place your finger closer to the photo cell the LED light will light up brighter.

The Code:

int sensePin = A0;
int ledPin = 9;
int ledPressPin= 8;
int pressPin = A2;
void setup () {

pinMode (ledPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode (ledPressPin, OUTPUT);


void loop () {

//Serial.println (analogRead (sensePin));
Serial. println (analogRead (pressPin));

int valLight = analogRead (sensePin);
int valPress= analogRead (pressPin);

if (valPress > 0) digitalWrite(ledPressPin, HIGH);
else digitalWrite (ledPressPin, LOW);

valLight = constrain (valLight, 750, 900);
int ledLevel = map (valLight, 750, 900, 255, 0);

analogWrite (ledPin, ledLevel);

// if (val < 800) digitalWrite (ledPin, HIGH);
// else digitalWrite (ledPin, LOW);

3 Switches


My Original Sketches of my 3 switches.

1. Petting the Mouse. When you pet the mouse the conductive thread would teach other making the LED light.

2. Pressing the Heart. When you press the heart the LED would light with the conductive fabric.

3. Making a Flower. When you put the petals together the LED would light.


My first time at making a pushing LED. It worked but it was very unstable.


My final three switches.

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The mouse trap switch. When you place the mouse onto the copper wire (trap) it will light up. The basic component of the circuit is inside the mouse. The mouse has copper tape under it and when placed onto the copper tape of the mouse trap, the nose of the mouse (LED) will light up.

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Lighting the Christmas tree switch. In this switch I used electric paint to help connect the led with battery. I attached the other end of the LED with conductive thread and tapped it onto the battery (making it look like the trunk of the tree). When placed onto the conductive paint the star will light up.

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Bringing life back into the girl. When you place the conductive hearts together the LED would light up.


Back of the circuit.